Refund and Returns Policy

Getmore Mall退換貨政策

  • Getmore Mall致力為你提供優質的貨品。如果收貨後發現貨品品質有問題,請在收到貨品之日起的7天內Whatsapp相關訂單編號及有關貨品相片至+852 6882 8977。貨品須連同原封包裝的情況下退回。
  • 一張訂單只可辦理一次退貨。
  • 非品質問題貨品,恕不接受退換
  • 在我們獨立決定及特殊情況下,我們將退回網上購物所涉及之款項。現時我們提供退款方法:
  • 若有任何爭議,Getmore Mall保留最終的決定權。



Returns & Refunds Policy

  • If the items you receive have quality issues, please send Whatsapp to +852 6882 8977with your order no. and pictures of your item within 7 days upon receipt. Items must be returned in the original box and must include all the original tag, label and packaging.
  • Please note that only one refund request can be made per each order.
  • Items cannot be returned/refunded for non-quality reasons.
  • Currently, we offer refund methods including
    Refund to your original account within 4-6 weeks, upon confirmation.
  • If there is any dispute, Getmore Mall reserves the right of final decision.



  • 貨品的所有風險在貨品送抵後轉移給顧客,但本公司保留該等貨品的所有權,直至有關貨品的價款結清為止。



  • All risks in the products shall pass to the Customer upon delivery but we shall retain title in the products until full payment has been received.



  • 本公司倘若由於不可抗力的原因(包括由於天災、火災、水災、意外、暴亂、戰爭、政府政策、罷工或任何本公司不能控制的情況)而未能準確地提供 閣下所需的服務,本公司均不會向使用者或任何第三者承擔任何責任。


Force Majeure

  • The Company shall not be liable for any delay or failure in its performance caused by or resulting from acts of God, fire, flood, accident, riot, war, government intervention, embargoes, strikes, labour difficulties, equipment failures, or any other causes beyond the control of Company.




  • com 接受Visa卡、MasterCard卡、美國運通信用卡、八達通App、支付寶香港、微信支付及銀聯卡付款。
  • 所有貨品之價值均以港幣計算。
  • 為提供安全可靠的網上購物服務,我們的網上交易使用傳輸層安全性加密技術Transport Layer Security (TLS)。所有個人資料包括您的信用卡號碼、姓名、地址等,會經過加密,才透過互聯網傳送,防止 閣下的資料在網上傳送時,被未經許可的第三者閱讀。如要檢查安全憑證的資料,閣下可於結賬時於網頁上按滑鼠右鍵,然後選擇「內容」及「憑證」。
  • 每張訂單總額必須為最少港幣$50。(不包括運費)
  • 如選用信用卡付款,網上購物的付款上限為港幣$10,000。(不包括運費)
  • 所有網上訂購的貨品須由本公司全權決定並根據存貨供應而接受。顧客將於收取貨品的同時收到最終的購物收據以作記錄。
  • 本公司可不時就個別顧客設定信用限額,並且保留權利可就任何銷售設立限制,包括有權拒絕將貨品銷售予任何顧客。
  • 本公司保留權利於任何時間更改網上購物的付款方式而不作另行通知。




Payment Terms:

  • We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Octopus App, Alipay HK, Wechat Pay and UnionPay for payment.
  • All product prices listed are in HK dollars.
  • To provide secure online commerce transactions, we employ Internet’s Transport Layer Security (TLS) technology. It encrypts the Customer’s personal information, including credit card number, name and address, so that it would not be read as the information travels over the Internet. To check TLS Certificate information, you can right click the mouse and choose “Properties” & “Certificates”.
  • The single order amount must be equal or greater than HK$50.
  • The upper limit of purchase on this website is HK$10,000 per transaction if you pay with a credit card.
  • The Customer’s offer to purchase made on https://www.getmorehk.comshall be subject to our sole discretion and may not be accepted subject to the availability of stock or other reason. A final and conclusive invoice will be presented to the Customer upon delivery.
  • We may from time to time set credit limits for individual customers and we reserve the right to limit sales including the right to decline sales to any customers.
  • We reserve the right to change the payment terms for any order without prior notice.



凡買滿港幣$500或以上,即可享免費送貨服務。若購物金額低於港幣$500,須收取港幣$50送貨費用(送貨服務適用於愉景灣、馬灣、東涌及香港國際機場) 。Getmore Mall提供即日至10日內的送貨服務,詳情如下:

Home Delivery:

We offer free same day to 10 days delivery (single location only) for orders of HK$500 or above. For orders below HK$500, delivery fee of HK$50 shall apply (including delivery to Discovery Bay, Ma Wan, Tung Chung and Hong Kong International Airport), details as below:


Hong Kong Island, Kowloon

(Order Time)

(Earliest Delivery Timeslot)

(Before 11:00am)

即日晚上7:00 – 晚上10:30
(7:00pm – 10:30pm on the same day)

上午11:00 – 下午3:00
(11:00am – 3:00pm)

翌日上午11:00 – 下午4:00
(11:00am – 4:00pm on the next day)

(After 3:00pm)

翌日下午7:00 – 下午10:30
(7:00pm – 10:30pm on the next day)




新界 (包括東涌及香港國際機場)
New Territories (Includes Tung Chung & Hong Kong International Airport)

(Order Time)

(Earliest Delivery Timeslot)

(Before 11:00am)

即日下午7:00 – 晚上10:30
(7:00pm – 10:30pm on the same day)

上午11:00 – 下午3:00
(11:00am – 3:00pm)

翌日中午12:00 – 下午5:00
(11:00am – 5:00pm on the next day)

(After 3:00pm)

翌日下午7:00 – 下午10:30
(7:00pm – 10:30pm on the next day)




Ma Wan, Discovery Bay

(Order Time)

(Earliest Delivery Timeslot)

(Before 3:00pm)

翌日中午12:00 – 下午5:00
(12:00 noon – 5:00pm on the next day)

(After 3:00pm)

後日中午12:00 – 下午5:00
(12:00 noon – 5:00pm of the second day following the order date)



  1. 辦公室訂購貨品只會於翌日送貨。
  2. 訂購貨品將會盡快送貨,最早將於訂購日即日送貨,或一般最遲於訂購日起10日內送貨。
  3. 購買1箱或以上之原箱貨品,我們將會聯絡閣下確認送貨日期。
  4. 若送貨時大廈升降機未能正常操作,我們將安排另一送貨時段再次送貨。
  5. 當八號或以上烈風訊號懸掛或黑色暴雨警告生效時,送貨服務將會延期,我們將會聯絡閣改送貨時間。
  6. 於約定之送貨時間,惟因實際情況如交通、地區、天氣及其他因素影響而有所延誤、暫停期,無論導致此等延誤或改期的原因是否在本公司控制範圍內,本公司恕不負任何責任。


  1. Our next day service only applies to office delivery orders.
  2. Order will be dispatched as soon as possible. The earliest delivery time would be the same day, or the latest within 10 days.
  3. For bulk purchases of more than one case, we will confirm the delivery date with you directly.
  4. In the event of a lift breakdown during delivery we will make arrangements to deliver the goods at another time.
  5. Delivery service will be suspended when the typhoon signal No.8 or above or the black rainstorm signal is hoisted. In this event customers will be contacted to re-schedule delivery time.
  6. If delivery is delayed, postponed or cancelled due to traffic, weather, different district or other factors, the Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage, no matter whether the factor which causes the delay, postponement or cancellation is within the control of the Company or not.


  1. Getmore Mall的貨品價格有可能與我們的實體門市有所出入。
  2. 貨品以訂購當日Getmore Mall所示之價格為準。
  3. 送貨服務只限本地,不設海外送貨。送貨範圍包括香港島、九龍、新界及指定離島地區:愉景灣、馬灣、東涌及香港國際機場;並不適用於以下離島地區:長洲、大嶼山、梅窩、貝澳、長沙、塘福、水口、石壁、寶蓮寺及大澳及任何貨車禁止進入的區域。
  4. 由於大浪灣村入口為車輛限制區,客人只能從指定地點提取所訂購之貨品。
  5. 送貨服務不適用於貨車未能直達的送貨地點。
  6. 若送貨地址並無升降機直達,最高送運層數為3樓 (由地下開始計算) ;若無升降機直達的送貨地址位於4樓或以上,顧客須以現金方式繳付每層HK$40的送貨附加費予送貨司機。
  7. 所有訂單須視乎貨品的實際供應情況再作最後確認。倘若未能提供任何已訂購之貨品或服務,本公司有權拒絕接受該訂單,並會透過電話或電郵通知有關退款安排
  8. 如需取消訂單,請於送貨前48小時前致電客戶服務熱線6882 8977辦理。
  9. 我們將竭盡所能,如期送貨至指定地點,敬請顧客在指定時間內簽收貨品。若顧客要求將貨品放於門外,因此而導致的任何損失,本公司概不負責。
  10. 如收貨人士未能於約定時間內取貨,Getmore Mall將保留權利向該顧客收取額外的送貨費用。
  11. 下單後,送貨地址或選擇之送貨時段如有任何變更,顧客有責任即時通知本公司有關更改,以便安排。
  12. 本公司保留權利可絕對酌情決定拒絕向任何顧客送付貨品。


  1. Prices shown on are not applicable in physical stores and may also vary from those found in-store.
  2. When you place an order, the prices charged are those applicable on the day you order.
  3. Delivery service is currently available in Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories and not available for the Outlying Islands, including Cheung Chau, Lantau Island (except Discovery Bay, Ma Wan, Tung Chung and Hong Kong International Airport). No delivery service is available to the below areas: Mui Wo, Pui O, Cheung Sha, Tong Fuk, Shui Hau, Shek Pik, Po Lin Monastery and Tai O and areas that vans are restricted to access. No overseas delivery service is provided.
  4. Delivery service is not applicable to areas that cannot be reached directly by our vehicles.
  5. If no elevator service is available for premises, home delivery service will be made up to 3rd storey only (Counting from ground floor). An additional delivery fee of HK$40 per floor will be charged for the address located above the 3rd storey where no elevator service is available. Such additional delivery fee is to be paid in cash directly to the delivery driver when the items are delivered.
  6. As our vehicles cannot reach Big Wave Bay Village, Shek O without permission letters, customers are required to collect the order at designated location(s).
  7. All orders are subject to confirmation of final availability and reserves the right to reject the order in the event that any of the products or services requested are unavailable. In the event that we are unable to fulfill any of the products or services in your order, we will notify you by phone or email before delivery.
  8. To cancel the order, please contact our whatsapp at 6882 8977 / email to [email protected] not less than 48 hours prior delivery service.
  9. Please note that all goods will be delivered as scheduled and to the best of our ability. We aim to deliver the goods when there is somebody in. We cannot accept responsibility for goods left outside at the customer’s request.
  10. We reserve the right to charge an additional delivery fee if the recipient fails to accept delivery at the nominated delivery time.
  11. It is the responsibility of the customer to notify 24 hours before delivery of any change to the delivery address after placing the order.
  12. We reserve the right to decline delivery of goods to any customer at our sole discretion absolutely.


本條款將按照中華人民共和國香港特別行政區(「香港」)法律詮釋及受香港法律所管轄。而本條款每個部分的應用僅限於該法律所允許的程度。若本條款內有任何部分在任何司法管轄區被禁止或無法執行,只有被禁止或無法執行的部分在該司法管轄區宣告無效,但不會使本條款其餘部分無效或該部分在其他司法管轄區的有效性、合法性或可執行性均不會受到影響。Getmore Mall保留權利,可按其絕對酌情權修改本條款及條件。如有任何爭議,Getmore Mall保留最終的決定權。本中文譯本僅供參考之用,倘若中、英文本之文義有異,應以英文原文為準。






These terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the People’s Republic of China and the Customer and the Company agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts. The Company may revise these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. If any dispute arises, the Company’s determination shall be final. Where these terms and conditions are available in Chinese, the English version is the governing version and shall prevail whenever there is a discrepancy between the two versions.